I'm not sure if anyone, outside of a very small circle that comprises of my girlfriend, my brother and a couple of friends, reads my blog. But I'm guessing that if they (you?) do, then they (you?) are already well aware of
embrocation cycling journal, in both its print and online form. I've been a fan for a while now but have stupidly yet to buy a copy, relying instead on embrocation's online presence, in the form of an always excellent website that recently went pro, a blog and plenty of twitter tweets. As a print obsessive, I need to get hold of the mag and cannot think of a single reason why I haven't done this already. The point of this post however was to mention that there is a nice little interview with embrocation's creator Jeremy Dunn
here. Lots of DPS teasers from the latest issue accompany the interview too, where I learned that both of Jeremy's parents were teachers, just as mine were. Nice.